Trophy & Medals
Enjoy holding our custom-made Erindale Hoops Champion trophy and medals as you claim victory!

We use our Smart-board to keep track of status of each game, making scores more visible to everyone on and off the court.

Requirements & Restrictions
- Only age of 14 to 18 are eligible to participate in this tournament.
- Fully vaccinated for COVID-19 would be recommended.
- A team can only consist of minimum 3 players to up to maximum 5 players.
- Players are only to participate on one roster.
Preseason Photos Photo Gallery

Schedule & Dates
Held on October 2, 2021.
Regular Season
Start in Spring, 2022 (exact date will be announced)
1576 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON L5C 1E5
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Rules
Game Format
- First round: teams will be divided into to two groups, each team in a group will play against the other teams in the same group once. Top two teams of each group will advance to the next round.
- Second round: top four teams will compete for championship in a sudden death format.
The Game
- Fair play, respectful play.
- Regular games will go until one team reaches 11 points or until 10 minutes time limitation has passed.
- Failure to be on the court after 5 minute grace period from scheduled time will result in a forfeit of the game.
- Every successful shot inside the arc is awarded one point, while every successful shot behind the arc is awarded two points.
- Substitutions will take place on dead ball situations only.
- Only one timeout can be called for each team.
- Possession will change after a basket is scored.
- In any held-ball situation, the defensive team is granted possession
- The ball must be "checked" on every dead ball possession.
- Clear ball is not required for air balls or steals.
- Offensive Fouls: All offensive fouls will result in a change of possession
- Team fouls 6, 7, 8 and 9 are awarded one free throw, and all team fouls thereafter are awarded two free throws
- Travelling: All travelling violations (Travelling, carrying, double dribbling etc.), will also result in a change of possession.
- Technical foul worth 2 free throws for victim and possession. With 2 technical fouls, the player will be out for the rest of game.
If you have any question regarding this event, you can reach us at 905-232-1576 or email us at [email protected]